AI Transcriptions
Now with Mumbler, you can easily transcribe your podcast episodes using AI.

But let's start from the beginning:

What is a transcription?

A transcription is a text version of your podcast's content. At Mumbler, we create them using our AI.

What does Mumbler do?

At Mumbler, we do three things:
  1. We transcribe your episodes and give you the transcription so you can use it.
  2. We also add the transcription to your episode's page to help with SEO. If your episode is private, you can choose whether to display the transcription or not.
  3. Additionally, we include the transcription in your RSS Feed with the Podcasting 2.0 "Transcript" tag and an SRT file that podcast platforms can read.

Why are transcriptions useful?

Transcriptions help in several ways:
  1. SEO: They improve your content’s visibility on the internet by adding lots of keyword-rich text to your episode pages, which search engines will love.
  2. Discoverability: They enhance the discoverability of your episodes on podcasting platforms for the same reason—there will be many keywords by which people can find you.
  3. Accessibility: Transcriptions are displayed on platforms, making your content more accessible to people with hearing difficulties.
  4. Repurposing Content: They provide text that you can use to generate other content, like a newsletter, a blog post, a Twitter thread, or a LinkedIn post.

How do I activate them for my podcast?

Adding transcriptions to your episodes is very easy. On the episode editing page, you'll see this option:

Simply click the "AI Transcription" button, and the transcription will be generated and automatically added to your podcast.

NOTE: The transcription process can only be initiated once the episode is published or scheduled.

We hope the AI transcriptions will be very useful and help you improve your podcast's visibility and reach.

IMPORTANT: This feature is available on paid plans. If you don't have a paid plan yet, you can sign up for one here.

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